Here's a good Cure Zone testimonial on Essiac and Pau d'arco taken together. (I don't know if they were taken at the same time of day, but they were both used in the protocol for the cancer cure.)
Here's an excellent site on tips and testimonials of Pau d'arco alone, some of which was originally posted on Cure Zone:
Don't know if this helps, but I personally would space the Essiac and Pau d'arco teas a couple of hours apart.
Well, I've just bought the book "Pau d'Arco, Immune Power From the Rain Forest" and have read quite a bit of it. There is no reference anywhere to dry or capsule forms of the herb. All of the author's research and testimonials that he refers to is from tea. The book relates healing for cancer, diabetes, asthma, yeast infections, chronic fatigue, colds, and on and on, and it is all used in the form of tea.
The author does point out that there are different Pau d'Arco trees, and the best one is the red flower tree. Others on Cure Zone have pointed out that some suppliers have better quality Pau d'Arco than others, and if I can find that post I'll reply on-line. By the way, that book says to use glass or stainless steel cooking ware and not to let it touch plastic (as in a funnel) as the plastic negates the effects of the tea.
I've had my Pau d'Arco for a couple of days and haven't yet made a brew, but will be getting at it in the next day or two. I want to brew a gallon at a time.
Here's a Cure Zone post supporting the tea and a little more information:
The author of that post, Canadian Yoda, cured her cancer with Pau d'Arco. She got it into remission with Essiac, but says that Pau d'Arco cured it.