Re: 1 week post cleanse - victories and challenges
That is so true. I had not thought of it that
way, but I am also a *waiter* or *rewarder*.
I earn treats somehow in my mind and so my
challenges are also the emotional connect :)
You are doing great too~! Awareness is the
biggest gift because it goes across the board
and helps us understand ourselves better and
that helps make better choices. I try to focus
on being my own best friend and to give myself
pep talks. I do not tend to beat myself up but
I do have serious talks with myself about the
repercussions of my decisions.
Keep up the great job and hang in there. It is
also nice to hear about the "aftermath" since
that can be the hardest part of the cleanse~~
coming off and maintaining the goals you started
out with.
Thanks for sharing~~
be happy, be well,