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Gonorrhea and colloidal silver
  Views: 41,514
Published: 19 y

Gonorrhea and colloidal silver


I have a Silvergen SG6 and have been very happy with it for the 8 months I have had it. I use steam distilled water and have had great results up until I mdae the one time mistake of having sex without a condom and I got Gonorrhea.

I had burning and discharge. For 3 days I drank a HUGE amount of Colloidal Silver trying to cure myself. I drank 1 and a half cups every 1-2 hours for 3 days straight of 10ppm and the Gonorrhea keep getting worse until it was extreme.

I finally had to go to the doctor and get Antibiotics which did cure it no problem. I was trying to avoid this.

WHY WHY WHY did the Colloidal Silver not work? I was drinking massive amounts for 3 days straight and it only got worse.

I have been on this group for 8 months. I read practically every post plus have done lots of other reading on Colloidal Silver , but I have to say after the gonorrhea I have lost my faith in colloidal silver and am VERY sad to say I now believe in Antibiotics more than ever. 3 days of non-stop colloidal silver and i only got worse One dose of anti-biotics and i am now completely better.

There is nothing wrong with my colloidal maker, nothing wrong with the silver rods and nothing wrong with the water and I do not ad anything to the water. I have already gone through all the obvious possible problems.
The colloidal silver just plain and simple was no match for the gonorrhea.

I am so confused. Colloidal Silver is supposed to be way stronger than any anti-biotic yet it didn't work and the anti-biotic did.

Any educated feedback would be greatly appreciated. ESPECIALLY anyone who has used colloidal silver to defeat gonorrhea successfully themselves. I am not looking to be preached to. I made a stupid decision of not wearing a condom this time and I paid the price. I'm not looking to start a whole topic on that. I was stupid and I got what I deserved. I got that and am not arguing the point, but that's a different topic altogether. I'm on this colloidal silver group asking a colloidal silver question.

Any educated help would be seriously appreciated. I drank way more colloidal silver than I should have needed to 1 and a half cups every 1-2 hours for 3 days straight) and at 10 ppm no bacteria should have been able to survive that!

Thanks to anyone who can offer any actual insight because I am truly at a loss.


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