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Re: Need Advice
been there done that Views: 2,615
Published: 18 y
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Re: Need Advice

I think a very good practice to use for recovery from any illness so that the body has more energy to use for recovery is eliminating or at least reducing consumption of solid food and getting the nutrition requirements from vegetable juice. Digestion requires alot of energy. Simple METABOLISM of vegetable juice should be exactly what your intestine needs (of course fiber is also needed in order to keep the intestine from accumulating bad bacteria). I've heard that cabbage juice is very good for the intestines. You've probably overcleaned (strained) your intestines with all the cleaning and kept them from healing on their own (I'm no doctor, but I would think they could use a vacation, at least from solid food).

I don't know if this first website is the soviet newspaper (in 1990, they started printing and selling the bible for the sole purpose of making up for lost revenue because they used to be the sole source of information behind the iron curtain, could they have evolved into a website?).

Everybody wants to sell KITS for cleansing, but I believe the body can do it on it's own with vegetable juices and proper hydration (half your body weight in ounces of water every day, 200 pounds--100 ounces of water) and a pinch of salt for the cells, etc.




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