18 y
Has anyone used tsetsi's method
I was just wondering if anyone has used tsetsi's method on page 460 of this forum.
I've been having gallbladder problems, and was so afraid to do the regular flush
and was searching for another answer when I found the post by tsetsi.
Last night, I got up the nerve to try it, but was afraid to use raw egg yolk, so
I poached the egg yolk. :-) It was still very thin, and I followed the directions
to the letter except for that.
Within 10 minutes, the pain I have had for weeks was gone, no pressure, no nothing.
It has remained that way for 24 hours now. It was unbelievable. However, I did
not experience the massive cleansing effect, but also did not do the enema (another
thing I'm afraid of).
I'm wondering why the egg yolk needs to be raw, or does it? What would be wrong
with poaching the egg yolk as long as you use glass as she said.
Just wondering if anyone else has tried her method lately and what you think.
Thanks, Lee