O.k. I'm new to this site and I am loving it. I am also new to Tsetsi liver detox.
I tried it for the first time last night. I was so keen to give it a go as I had all the ingredients and was so taken by all the wonderful health claims. So I used 2 eggs, one lime and one orange, and olive oil. It was late and went to bed. Didn't notice any real rumblings or discomfort. Woke this morning feeling pretty good considering the late hour I went to sleep. B.M. as usual but healthy colour and form. Nothing out of the ordinary. Hair was bouncier. Did break out in a pimple on chin. Energy levels normal (usually normal to low) Was keen to try again tonight and did 3 eggs, 5 limes and flax seed oil. Slight rumbling in tummy feeling relaxed and ready for sleep. Nothing else to report. Will keep you posted..but am looking forward to more energy and fabulous skin. I am also using Retin a and have been for 12 days now and am enjoying the results of that also. Lines are less and skin is tightening. I am hoping that the combination will shave a few years off. I am 46.