18 y
Re: I cannot conceive on this diet
Why are yo worried about detoxing?? You eat grains which have loads of antinutrients and can cause mineral and vitamin defiecincies..god I wish that wor\d would go away..detox,detox..I've been in the health food industry for years and if people were just to forget about detoxing all the time and worry more about getting in enough good protein,efas,antioxidants and lots of non-starchy veggies with a litle fruit,we'd all be better off. Yes I know we are all different and we all respond to different diet protocols,but that's the basics and it is a good place for us all to start.
Besides I read something the other day that you can never really ever detox due to the amount of crap in our envrionment and air
So just worry about getting yourself healthy so you can conceive. Get enough folic acid,b-12 from animal protein, efa's from krill and fish oil,greens and sprouts and if you can get it and you can handle it,raw dairy in limited quanities I know this is a duh, Try not to eat anything made by man
I wish you the best of luck and I do hope you do conceive. but forget about the detoxing for a while. I've seen people way over do it and once they stop they have made great strides in health.