The other poster was CORRECT! Clove oil is very strong and has to be diluted with another oil before it can be used topically. The clove oil and the scratching has caused the sores on your rectum. Wash the area with plain soap and water - dry - and put cornstarch on it. Also, don't wear tight fitting pants and go "commando" (no underwear) as much as you can - sleep with no underwear too. Air will help heal the sores and the cornstarch will keep the area dry.
You need to get on a regular, strong parasite cleanse - Black Walnut, Wormwood and CLoves are good, but they are not supporting the rest of your body and they aren't enough to get rid of candida. Parasites need to be killed internally. To prevent infecting others - wash your hands with soap and water - scrubbing under nail - after every trip to the restroom. Also - disinfect your bathroom daily during the parasite cleanse. Parasite eggs are microscopic and are passed in the stool.