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Re: Calling Critterkids and other male dog owners
StoryOfMyLife Views: 1,434
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 826,605

Re: Calling Critterkids and other male dog owners

Yeah, the cutting off body parts to prevent cancer just sounds so barbaric and ridiculous. I always wondered why they didn't cut human's balls off to prevent prostate cancer. LOL

In my experience it's always been a training or energy thing. I nip the humping thing in the bud the first time it happens. Mine started by humping my foot by wrapping their paws around my legs and I clapped loud, yelled NO really loud and they usually got the hint or one dog I gave a slap on the butt and he got the hint. Once they start and you let it go, you get the compulsive humping thing. They don't grow out of it they just get worse and frusrated and some get aggressive after a while. I've heard of other people complain of them humping pillows and stuffed animals

I've always thought it was funny when my male pups are playing tugawar or wrestling and "it" hangs out. It looks like a crayon and the "eww" look on other people's faces always amused me. lol. But that's where the energy thing comes in..With my dogs keeping them exercised and active seems to have a lot to do with it. Some dogs go crazy humping other dogs and mine go crazy running around in circles. :)

So yeah, treat it like any other "behavior" you want to stop such as chewing, digging or jumping and try giving him something else to focus all that energy on. Like at the park try stopping him from doing it and then encourage him to run or something.



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