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Re: Where's the fluke?
jayson Views: 6,598
Published: 18 y
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Re: Where's the fluke?

"without knowing if this fee schedule is accurate, without knowing exactly what products and services these fees include, and without knowing the cure rate of hulda's clinic, its absolutley impossible to conclude whether or not these fee or too high or too low."

The person I was in communication with, spent $12,000 in her Mexican clinic in two weeks.  Too high or too low?  Have you been to Mexico?  Have you spent any money on a dentist or a doctor down there?  I know a guy who got a set of false teeth down there for under $100, and they were pretty good.  Comparable up here if I remember right was more than $500.  If Hulda's getting 100 customers a week, she's making a bundle and from what I understand, that number isn't too wild. 

"for note - i met someone who was poisoned by benzene from a jet fuel fire. he suffered brain impairment and nervous order disfunctions. went to MANY docs, they could not help him. he went to hulda's clinic, and got 80 - 85% better. NO ONE else could help him mind you, she helped him. he also met many there who had been cured of cancer. so i know for a fact her clinics do help people."

I agree that for clearing toxins our medical community in the USA are pretty lame.  It's her "cure for all disease" that's caused by a South East Asian fluke that I puke at.

Hulda does not have one documented cancer cure.  Her brother, after being treated by Hulda, died of cancer.  The person that I was in communication with who went her clinic was convinced after Hulda's diagnosis (and no one else) that she had cancer!  All those that you speak of who were 'cured' of cancer could easily have been 'diagnosed' by Hulda.  She is sweet and charming.  She is a typical con artist.  That's what the person who I mentioned earlier said, how warm and sweet Hulda was, and she just 'knew' a person like that couldn't lie.

I'm still looking for her first documented cancer cured case.



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