If you can stand it I would use the Terminator all the time switching from arm to arm and leg to leg a 1/2hour at a time in each place. Start taking the Colloidal Silver 6x/day a mouthful held a few min. each time. Use the magpulser over all the lymph node areas for 20min sessions several times per day. You should have it under control in a month or two. Get checked out with blood tests after you've done this protocol for a good month or two and see how your blood has changed for the better. I'm confident you will feel better within a short time if you do all the above. You may feel a little worse before you feel better because you will be killing a lot bugs/viruses/ parasites in your system. Colon cleansing and Liver Flushing in that order, will be necessary to flush out all the dead material/toxins. You can get several recipes for the cleansing/flushes on the CureZone Forums .