18 y
federal reserve's feet of clay
The international banksters may have visages of iron and greaves of brass, but they have feet of clay, WT. Why, you might ask? Because they cannot commit their fraud, seizing the assets of the world, without leaving a paper trail. As long as our money supply is borrowed into existence, but the money to pay the interest on that money supply is not, you have a total that adds up to less than 100%. And
reptile jews like Greenspan and Bernanke cannot escape the grade-school arithmetic needed to hang these bastards, no matter how many veils they try to put in place, in order to cover up their monetary crime (M1, M2, .... M5, etc., etc.). ALL power resides in the people; deep down in their black hearts, the international bankers know it. And it terrifies them, especially here & now, in the age of the internet, where jewry's stranglehold on information is being eroded daily.