Re: Post cleanse..? [Edited]
[Unnecessary personal details removed.]
Hi, B2,
Overall, the Humaworm cleanse worked, in spades! I think you know me well enough to see that I wouldn't say so unless that were true.
I cannot say enough about how well I feel from the reduction of ammonia in my system, alone, plus progress in the elimination of ancient gallstones, and more.
I'm also finding understanding about the digestive system, the importance of balance in essential fatty acids, water, baths, clays, etc., etc.
Each of us has to do the best he or she can, and make use of all the information available.
That calls for as much reading as each of us can manage, and trust in, but not dependence on, those who have gone before.
Read all you can, and figure out what applies to you. Common sense is your best guide...nothing in extremes.
It's the old 'peeling the onion' scenario, in slow motion, thank goodness.
Our marvelous bodies protect us, yessiree! Take it easy.
And, spit all phlegm and mucous! Try oil-pulling, if only to freshen 'morning breath'. (See that forum, and read.)
My best to everyone.