It seems like we have an easier cleanse if we...
...Keep the bile flowing and keep the bowels moving. I hear good things about beets (particularly raw, grated), prunes, and fruits and well as a little of the best oils, with some citrus. Some seaweed helps, I hear, and nuts. The best salt is good.
Moderation is good, plus your best consumption of water. Believe it or not, two cups of warm water, first thing in the morning, helps bowel movement.
Other foods can be eaten, on Humaworm; again, in moderation.
Personally, I now avoid cheese...and I don't miss it. And, I avoid highly spiced foods. Some onions, garlic, and a little fresh ginger, sometimes, are my best, so far.
Frequent rhythmic movement aids digestion and elimination wonderfully.
...Bathing and skin-brushing moves toxins.
...Oil-pulling is an excellent toxin-remover. The choice of oil allows Omega 3 to be absorbed directly through the skin of the inner mouth...the teeth and gums benefit visibly.
...Spit out all phlegm and mucous that you find in the mouth...just in case.
...Go to sleep early, and rest whenever you feel the need. A little nap, with fresh air, seems to overcome minor detox symptoms.
The fewer known toxins one puts in, the fewer need to be removed, of course.
A gentle body massage, even done by oneself, is helpful.
A plain water enema will aid in clearing any unexpected bowel blockage.
A plain liver flush relieves bile blockage, I have read.
Perhaps R.G. would like to ammend this list.