Personally I do not know - for sure, that it means anything, but it may not surprise you to hear that there is a belief out there..... call it a theory if you want, that is known by the name 11:11 End Times Programming, or 11:11 Imbeds. Even though I have not spent any time formally looking into this myself, the only reason I know about at all is that it seems to be a topic that I have frequently stumbled onto at various web fourms the past several years. For the observant person, there apparently are all kinds of sources - usually media related, through which one will notice the recurring 11:11 theme popping up in the broadcasts....movies.....serial tv programming, etc. I've seen it mentioned that the overall theme is in part based on subliminal or border-line subliminal content, and another component - the End Times part, seems to be based on how people have been programmed/readied to expect the end times - Rapture/Armageddon/Etc, to play out in a scripted fashion.