Well, for me, the movie is a mirror of my life. That is exactly how my life works. When I lived in a negative/"I'm a victim of my surroundings/circumstance/etc" mindset, that's exactly what I created as my experience. Once I started choosing positive/"What do I want to experience?" thoughts, my life totally changed. For me, the movie is just confirmation. It's all vibration.
I get the sense that it doesn't really matter what anyone tells you about this (or possibly anything). You're where you are (and that is just fine) and you're not budging (which is just fine, too). It's really fruitless to make others "wrong," though, just be'c you don't resonate with it.
What if the law of attraction IS true? What if you were to respond/think/act in a way that gave a peaceful feeling instead inside? I wonder what might show up in your life that would bring you joy?