Re: please educate
Intheclouds, That is good this has worked for you with the thinking patterns. But, I don't completely agree with that statement in most areas. Not much can be done to change a person's anxiety and panic attacks if it is a chemical imbalance induced by toxicity, the problem is not going to go or be alleviated until the underlining issue is removed.
I've had all the positive thinking books and statements thrust at me and none of them were any good at all. The only thing that ever helped was diet and doing other things for toxin removal! Goes to show, most peope are normal and positive, but even the strongest most positive individual can be reduced to a psychological wreck under certain toxic conditions and can become negative in thought and a very different person. The brain is just another organ, gets sick like anything else. And no amount of trying to think this way or that, can do much if the brain and body are ill.
Just my view. Good on you for getting
Amalgams removed though, you never know what kind of impact they may have had (or may have). Good precautionary measure.