Re: Truth about --Bacteria--Parasites--Fungus--Fungi--
According to my spies, moreless has a forum because, basically, a former moderator thought that putting moreless in his own forum would help dispel some of the venom in this forum by sequestering him to his own forum. So he suggested that moreless get his own forum, and moreless did.
Webmaster has a policy that virtually anyone can have their own forum here, so long as they're willing to put in the time to work it.
Furthermore, the owner of the forum has full
Webmaster rights limited to that specific forum, which includes removal of posts, banning people from the forum, etc. The forum owner is the sole judge, jury, and executioner in his little realm, and that is fully the intent of the webmaster.
So, enter the lion's den at your own risk.
There are no requirements to have one's own forum -- no credentials needed, no requirement of any particular understanding of anything, really.