Re: visual problems:
I have vision problems. So I may say some "hard" things. Just realize I have said them for myself.
Why is your FRIEND not posting? Why are YOU trying to solve their problems? What is your friend not 'seeing clearly' in his/her life? Like not SEEING the importance of taking care of his/her health? I didn't 'SEE' clearly that importance--physically, emotionally, spiritually, and there was a cost to my vision. HOWEVER, when I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, I can ennact change. YOU CAN"T DO THAT for someone else. THEY must.
And I don't have health insurance. So wow, MY HEALTH IS MY RESPONSIBILITY. If I 'screw' around with is, after all, my sight.
My eye is twitching right now. I don't know if that is good or bad. But I do know that I need to see clearly my life, my life's purpose,a nd treat my body and my eyes with RESPECT. If the eyes are the window to the soul, good heavens, WHAT is going on? Take care of it.
on the physical: bilberry, blueberry, huckleberry. Find "Owen" at the top of the page and go to his stuff on vision. Carrots, etc. Green drinks. fresh. LOTS of them. And your FRIEND has to decide. You can't push it, or pull it. And if he/she is *itching about not having insurance, then GET OVER IT. At least those are the things I have to tell myself. And he/she/you need to hold a vision of a better life, a positive life, a life where good happens.
Best of 'luck' or truth. If I sound 'harsh' it's just me, talking to myself.
Oh yea, sleep and rest the eyes. Breathe deep...Good water. The eyes need noursihment. I wish I knew more, but hopefully I shared SOMETHING of worth.
peace and love and joy
may we all start seeing more clearly
(now, anyone able to tell me why my eye is twitching--has been for about 30 minutes, before I read this. I was going to post and ask, but then saw this.)