What I do with garlic
I slice off the bit of hard end, put clove, or cloves, on my cutting board and flatten it/them with the flat side of a broad knife.
This splits the skins so they may be easily pinched off.
I very much miss my mayo in sandwiches, so this is now my recipe...
On my favorite good bread, sliced thinish, I sprinkle on some olive oil, putting two fingers over the opening to control the flow. (I'm mostly the only one to use that green bottle of extra-virgin.)
Then I lightly salt both pieces.
I may spread on a coat of sour cream.
Then I sprinkle on one side, a light layer of chopped garlic, and one of onion slivers.
Then I add my filling...a pile of thin sliced cucumber; avocado slices; tomato slices; egg; whatever.
I close, and enjoy.
The garlic becomes simply 'round' in flavor. It doesn't particularly stand out, when you are used to it.
I also toss a clove of garlic, chopped, into a huge salad...often with some hot, cooked vegetables which cause the greens to 'wilt' slightly. Top with o.o. or mixed good oils, and a little sprinkle of lemon or lime juice, good salt.
Chopped garlic goes well in steamed or baked potatoes. I always mash them with butter on my plate, anyway...when I am home.
One man used to have a mashed clove of garlic in hot milk before bed, if he felt a cold coming on, but he was a big smelly man, anyway...and told dirty jokes to anyone in public that he could get to listen. He-he.
I hear that eating anything dark green and leafy, at the same time as garlic, cleans the breath. It's the chorophyll, they say.
Still, I may use only half of a clove at a time...depending on what I want at the moment.