Re: collodial silver problems...
Silver has been considered a hard carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) for several decades.
Not according to the MSDS: "Potential Health Effects: Metallic silver is relatively non-toxic to humans. This product may cause mild local irritation to eyes, nose, throat and upper airways, particularly if the product is heated to the point of fuming. Prolonged exposure to silver dust may cause a bluish or grayish pigmentation to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Silver is not listed as a carcinogen by OSHA, NTP, IARC, ACGIH or the EU."
it is a bio- accumulative poison (that is, you don't excrete nearly as much as you ingest, so it accumulates in body organs).
From what I've read over the years, the body does have a capacity to excrete silver, and that silver build-up in tissues is only a problem when that capacity is exceeded. If you look at the documented cases of argyria caused by silver preparations, it is always due to concentrated silver products, silver compounds, or incorrectly made homemade CS. People who insist on using 100+ PPM silver products should only do so very infrequently, as they can easily exceed the body's capacity to excrete silver. When making homemade CS, NEVER add salt or anything else and ONLY use pure distilled water and .999 or purer silver. It is also preferable to use current limiting circuitry and stirring of some kind; that results in crystal clear, totally stable CS in the ~20 PPM range.
People who want or need to take CS on a regular basis should only use low PPM (20 PPM or less) CS made solely with pure silver and pure distilled water. Products meeting that description can be purchased, but they are horrendously overpriced, typically costing $40 per gallon or more. Similar preparations can be made at home for a little more than the cost of the distilled water (approximately $1 per gallon). If you encounter silver hucksters selling expensive proprietary products and claiming the superiority of ions or colloids, ignore their marketing hype. Your properly made homebrew contains both ions and colloids and is most likely just as effective and at a tiny fraction the price.
It is a universal metallic biocide, meaning that it kills friendly as well as unfriendly bacteria.
However, it needs to be in a fluid environment in order to be effective. The beneficial bacteria in the lower intestinal tract will be largely unaffected by silver since most of the water will have been absorbed by the time the contents reach there. The silver present in a colon full of moist solids will not be able to kill bacteria effectively. When taking both CS and probiotics, one needs to separate their ingestion by a few hours so that silver in the liquid environment of the stomach does not kill the probiotics.