Re: Fibromyalgia and use of the Merina IUD
I had the mirena right after my pregnancy. I had aches and pains all over my body! It became so bad, I could not pick up my son (who was 1 at the time). On top of that, my hair was falling out...big time!!! And I am not one that has ever had problems w/my hair. It has always been thick and healthy. I could not figure out what it was. I called my ob-gyn and asked if the mirena could be causing my dramatic hair loss. They said "No", not at all. On my hunch, I had it removed and about 1 yr later, I began to see new hair growth. Now, to fix my aches and pains b/c they had not disappeard yet. I went to the dr. and they sent me to an
Arthritis specialist b/c they thought it was inflammed arthritis. They placed on mobic and my symptoms seemed to finally disappear. The specialist said I could have fibromyalgia and to stay on the mobic since it was helping. Things seemed to be improving. I was on a different birth control and the mobic was helping my body pain. Well, a few months ago, I saw an ad for Loestrin 24 FE. I called and asked the dr. to switch me to this b/c you can get a shorter period. BIG MISTAKE!!! The shorter period if sooo not worth it! I am almost sure it has something in common w/the mirena b/c today, I noticed my hair was falling out just as much as it had been when I had the mirena. So, here I go again...trying to find another birth control method that won't cause me to loose my hair. I am glad I found this site. I knew my hair loss was associated w/the birth controls, but I never would have guessed my fibromyalgia could be associated w/it as well. By the way, I am 25 years old, and I have been dealing w/this for 4 years now! I thought old age was setting in extremely fast!!!