Re: Comfrey. Your thoughts MH?
the "can cause death" sounds like one of those kinds of notices that are required by law.... OR, " or else we won't let you sell it". In this case only MH can say for sure, but the attacks on Comfrey have been increasing just in the past 6 months alone.
Meantime, here is some Comfrey info right from John R. Christopher's School of Natural Healing Herb Guide.
In general, Doc John had a lot of success using Comfrey to regenerate new skin. Thus he used it as an aid to healing burns, especially really bad burns. He made a salve out Comfrey, Wheatgerm Oil, and honey, and applied liberally to burns. Comfrey is also one of the main ingredients in Doc John's forumla called BF&C (Bone, Flesh and Cartilege), used for healing all kinds of problems with, well, bones, flesh and cartilege.
Here is the quote right from the book:
"Dr Shook wrote the following on comfrey: it does not seem to matter much which part of the body is broken, either internally or externally; comfrey will heal it quickly. It is a great cell proliferant or new cell grower, it grows new flesh and bone alike, stops hemorrhage, and is wonderful for coughs, soothing and healing the inflamed tissues in a most remarkable manner"
Comfrey is one of the finest healers for the respiratory system, especially in hemorrhage of the lungs; it has saved thousands of lives. The root has been used as both a tonic and a vulnerary [herbs that promote the healing of fresh cuts] from the very ancient times up to the present. The root and young leaves contain a toxic alkaloid which, according to some modern research, may cause liver damage if taken in large amounts (more than the liver can process or eliminate). If the liver is congested or weak, it is better to use the mature leaf for internal use, avoiding the root and young leaf if possible. Generally, very large amounts are required to produce any harmful effects, so just be wise in your use of the root and young leaves.
The root and young leaves are most beneficial as a poultice in healing any obstinate or ulcerous wound. Comfrey is an ingredient in many herbal preparations, and it may be given whenever a mucilaginous [having a sticky or adhesive quality] or demulcent [ soothing] medicine is required. The chief healing element in comfrey is allantoin, a cell proliferant which promotes granulation and formation of epithelial cells [cellular tissue].
Medicinal Uses:
Cough, ulcerated and inflamed lung conditions, bronchitis, hermorrhage, asthma (excessive expectoration), tuberculosis, pleurisy, pneumonia, inflamed stomach or bowells, ulcerated kidneys, gravel, bloody urine, diarrhea, dysentery, bruises, sprains, swellings, fractures, cancer, torn ligaments, ruptures, broken bones, cuts, gout, gangrene, heart problems, ulcerous wounds, catarrh [inflamation of mucous membranes], scrofula [swelling of neck lymph nodes], anemia, leukorrhea, female debility, boils, gum boils, sinusitis, burns and insect bites.
There are numerous ways to prepare comfrey prior to use, to include: decoction, fluid-extract, infusion, powder, and tincture. The comfrey root contains a large amount of mucilage that is best extracted by water. There are nearly 6 pages in which Doc John describes the various ways to apply comfrey. If you were familiar with this book, you would see that there are only a relative handful of herbs which Doc John gives this much attention. Undoubtedly, he was a bit believer in it's benefits.
Lastly, thee is a special section in the rear of the book that coves the use of 61 of Doc John's favorite forumulas. I see #24 is what he called "Herbal Bolus", that contains several herbs, including Comfrey. He explains that this bolus "is another excellent aid for both men and women who have problems in the reproductive area. Boluses are made with healing herbs that feed malnourished organs AND draw out the toxins and poisons making the malfunctioning area clean and healthy, sothat scavengers like cysts, tumors, and cancerous conditions will not have waste material to survie on and live in. Herbalists who use this formula have found that these scavengers will release and be eliminated. The bolus spreads it's herbal influence widely from the vagina or bowell through the entire unrinary, genital and reproductive organs" note - the following section describes how to "insert" the bolus, so I gather it is something like a suppository to be inserted in vagina or rectum as needed. Hope this helps.