And then I started seeing parasites. Again, don't know if that is a contributor, or just finally getting results from Wormwood complex, Wormwood enemas, eating all the parasite killing foods, two megadoses of CoQ10, Extra-Virgin Olive-OilLiver Flush and coffee enemas, or what. The problem is, I am so serious about the killing that I am doing EVERYTHING and don't know what is working, if anything isn't, or if it is the synergistic combo finally getting some parasite eviction action. But I did buy the Braggs organic cider vinegar Thursday morning and drank a glass with a tablespoon in it to wash down my second CoQ10 dose. Since then, two white spaghetti type worms, a bunch of eggs, a bunch of carapaces or big hatched eggs (who the heck knows) and some rusty needle sized worms. Joy