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Re: The Worm Turns for the Better in MS Patients
inspiraller Views: 1,543
Published: 18 y
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Re: The Worm Turns for the Better in MS Patients

I'm sorry I don't buy that infecting yourself with a parasite is going to help treat MS. On the contrary, I have my belief that MS is triggered if not maintained to deteriote because of parasitic infection in the body. This view is also taken on by Hulda Clark . See The Cure For All Diseases . These studies are not accurate and are completely misleading. The statistics of underdeveloped countries having less indications of MS could be down to many aspects, not because they are mostly infected with worms. This is almost a racial and cultural insult, but I'm not going to go into that. It is true that developed countries are over polluted and western culture ignorantly consumes much more and vast amounts of chemicals and pollutants in their body, which is inclined to weaken the body further.

I completely disagree with infecting oneself with a parasite to treat MS or any other ailment, on the basis that it can and will bring upon a host of other problems if not excacebate the condition further.

I respect all studies, but this is in complete opposite to the already positive results shown by people cleansing their bodies of such parasites and bacteria.



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