What to try next - SUMMARY of the initial idea
There is a huge need for a better, more effective lifestyle for seniors (everyone).
This discussion is the germ of an idea where seniors who have found health can help each other to do MORE with much LESS in material costs.
Today's tendency to pile seniors in vertical 'warehouses' concentrates the NEEDS for services without the SPACE to fulfill them.
Folks who have spent lifetimes learning what is better are effectively cut off from the very land, nature, and working/community space essential to sustain them.
It is the theme of this idea that seniors (all people?) need much less in living or 'home' space, IF they have access to land and community services/work areas.
It is also the theme of this idea that better homes and other buildings can be provided at a fraction of the cost of today's accepted expense.
A third theme is that the enhanced productivity of healthy seniors will create more dollar value than it will cost to 'keep' them.
Most of all, it is foreseen that the community suggested here will provide a blueprint, a standard, for developing all communities of the future...the wisest use of all the lifetime learning of all seniors, in concert.
I can't think of a happier, healthier world.
My best,