I found that everyone that I spoke to that had scleroderma is severeley dehydrated. By correcting the dehydration, in a few days improvements start happening & in a few weeks, the results are incredible. Think about it. Nerve tissue is 85% water & the rest of the body is 75% water. Therefore, isn't it logical that it is lack of water that causes the skin to get hard. More info w/o any cost can be found at http://www.watercure2.org.
Check out the TV news specials on this site, the Woman's World feature stories on it and above all,, read the recipe in the bright red link.
Please send all comments to me at watercure2@comcast.net. I sincerely think that this is the answer & all we ask is that you pass it on & give us your comments, good or bad so we can continue helping people better.