Re: Has anyone improved there scleroderma with "cure zone"
My mother was diagnosed with this several years several years ago and persuaded that conventional medicine and drug therapy was the only way to fight such an affliction. She did this and started to swell up like a balloon. To this point my mother was extreamly healthy and far more active than most 70 year olds. She also has a very strong stubborn streak as I had been attempting along to try alternative natural treatments. She is open to this but never tried anything I would suggest. I gave this to her from a trusted web site:
Drew: Here is what I have used by my Patients in the clinic, and it
seems to work pretty good.
*CO - Q10: 60 mgs daily.
*Vitamin E: 200 I.U's, building up to 1,000 I.U.s daily.
*Ginko: as directed on bottle.
*Bee Pollen or B-Complex: 100 mgs 2 times a day.
*Garlic & Cayenne Caps: As directed.
And also Chelation like jmmevolve spoke about ...Chelation is great to
open up the blood vessels...Also a mini rebounder needs to be used as
well. YHWH bless MM.
Anyway as I said she is quite stubborn and had to do this her own way so she went to an acupuncturist. Progress has been slow but her swelling is way down her skin is loose again and is quite happy with the results. It is not covered by insurance so it has come out of her own pocket and is quite expensive. So if you can afford it check it out.
I am wondering if anyone has attempted
The Master Cleanser diet that is on this site?