17 y
Re: My dad has cancer...desperate for answers
"I am slamming the use of chemo-therapy. Yes, I am
justified in doing so because it is a joke, it does not work except in a few
rare cancers. For lung cancer, it decreases your chance of survival in the long
run. I am not slamming those who took it under poor advise."
You've done a mid-stream flip flop. The original poster requesting help
specifically said their father had undergone radiation therapy, not
chemo-therapy. There is a difference, or are you aware of it?
You may be the world's leading expert on cancer, which you are not, but you
haven't investigated radiation treatment. In your original response you
mentioned Essiac tea. If you know the full story behind Essiac, you would
know that Rene Caisse treated thousands of cancer patents, all under the care of
a medical doctor - with their permission, and without charge. In that way
she could not be charged with practicing medicine without a license. Many,
if not most of those she treated, were undergoing radiation therapy and most
were in their final stages of cancer. Her success rate was in the
neighborhood of about 80% for either remission, or living an extended period of
time beyond what was predicted.
You are still operating from an elitist perspective. It is your
creation. Enjoy it.