In addition to all my previous recommendations, I cam across some new info.
first somewhere in my posts I mentioned free range chicken.
I now feel one should be a vegan for healing and eating a whole food diet with all or mostly raw foods.
I suggest a 100% raw food, vegan, whole food diet. Take a look at the book by Dr Gabriel Cousens called lean, mean live food cuisine for a 100% raw diet with recipes. Check out the many delicious raw food cookbooks and recipes online.
Read the works of Victoria Boutenko. If you email me I can try to see if the video will send via email attachment but it may not. Her website is rawfamily. Read her books on green smoothies and green juices.
Also consider the hallelujah diet which is 100% raw, vegan whole foods..there is a book by the same name.
there are testimonials on his site of many healings of various diseases including many cancers and here are the lung cancer testamonials.
go here for an overview of what the diet is and what things are considered raw (more than one might suspect)
dr Schulze who I definitely recommend in addition to this and the other things specific to cancer and lung cancer (Schulze used a lot of organic lobelia, wild cherry, mullein for the lungs trying to purge them)
Although some say if one takes more than the recommended dose, and does not vomit it may hurt the heart but Tom H on here who worked with people told me he gave up to 8
oz of lobelia tinctures to people with no harm. But I wanted to add this caution. Schulze does not say how much he used but I suspect it was more than the standard dose as he got them to vomit and this is how the lung cancer was getting out of the lungs. When they biopsied the black tarry strands, it was found by their allopathic doctors to be the cancer.
There is more on this in his videos and manuals which you can email me and I will send you the free download links so you can learn all you need to in how to do the full incurables and make many of the tinctures yourself or purchase at his website
Be sure if making to use organic or wild-crafted bulk herbs
He also has a chapter on lung cancer in the manual but it is recommended that you watch all the videos preferably more than once and tread all the manual as info can be gleaned from every section even ones that may not seem to apply.
He also in the clinic used things specific to the disease in addition to the full incurables program and this would be why you are also using things like essiac, wheat grass, the wild cherry etc.
I posted elsewhere all the things one needs to do the full incurables program (except for the herbs) so you can make a list and then add in the herbal formulas and all the other things.
Schuze in the clinic for something like lung cancer would go right to juice fasting.
Be sure to drink all juices within 15 minutes and take them without pulp as the enzymes can dissipate as they sit..Make it fresh each time, also chew the juice according to schulze's teacher, Dr Christoper originator of the incurables program which schulze intensified.
Add green smoothies and juices to your day 0ne
quart to up to a gallon.
For green smoothies, mix the greens with fruit (example-pear, kiwi, banana. berries, apple etc) and water (ice if you want) in a blender or vitamix and use any of these greens
Kale, Swiss chard, bok choy, beet-carrot-parsley root-turnip-daikon or radish tops (greens), spinach, romaine, watercress, parsley, celery, broccoli, any Asian market green, wild safe greens like dandelion greens, violet-daisy-strawberry leaves etc, burdock, purslane, cleavers, lamb;s quarter, plantain ETC
It is crucial to vary the green every day, according to Boutenko, as each plant has a toxin that helps to keep the animals grazing on various plants and not eating all the leaves of any one plant and killing the plant. (example-spinach has oxalic acid).
For green juices juice the green and a fruit and consume without the pulp unlike the green smoothie which keeps the pulp.
also see the book by jean carper called food your miracle medicine for what foods to eat to help prevent and cure lung cancer. (if you go amazon and look up this book and go to the table of contents when looking inside the book, you may be able to get the headings and get some idea what these foods are or email me and I will copy the pages on lung cancer from the book and send it via an attachment if you send me an email address and say that things you need/want sent.
I dedicate my posts in this thread to my father who died from lung cancer 28 years ago..I searched so hard but could not find due to the lack of the internet/info.
This lead me to a lifelong quest to help cure people and anyone I may have helped online with cancer, other diseases, and kidney disease (where I wrote a lot and have more info on Schulze etc in my 35 steps) to my mother who I learned from..any good this info might do. I feel that they share in part as it was their suffering that sparked my lifelong 30 year quest for health in part. With that I have helped thousands of people in the many books etc I read and healers god has lead me to so that others may be helped through me as I feel god often answers prayers through others.Thank goodness for this beautiful site.
These are things I would have done with my father with lung cancer as we all desperately searched for some way to save his life. Had I the info back then which I sadly could not find despite desparate searching and one did not believe until a week before her death when sadly a heart attack hit her and the hospital killed her just as we were ordering the herbs for Schulze's program. What I learned over the many years on kidneys disease is now able to help others at least..I am happy that two areas of health I have posted a lot on are the two diseases that took my parents from me and I hope this info could save lives of people's loved ones now that the internet and caring people makes this info easy to find by all.
I love you mom and dad. I hope you will look down and pray for all who seek/see my advice on curezone and who use it to heal themselves/others as I know you both cared about others and would have a heart for suffers of diseases whose path you walked in.