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71680 - Jaske, some clues?
fledgling Views: 2,912
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71680 - Jaske, some clues?

..."Pale stool" is lack of bile flow, I believe.

As I understand it from Telman in the Liver Flush Forum , there is a secondary action to our pushing foods through the happens every two hours. The primary action is bile flow, which digests.

...Bile flow, itself, can be blocked by parasites, stones, and (I would guess), tension, stress, you name it. (Eat apples, beets, drink a bit more water, especially sip a couple of cups of hot water first thing in the a.m.)

...They say that 80% (maybe more) of people have parasites, and that 70% of parasites are invisible to the naked eye. But I'm here to tellya, you ain't felt as well/clear/happy as when you first pass parasite ammonia out of your system! It took me a little more than one week on the Humaworm cleanse. Read on the Ask Humaworm forum.

...I went through nearly a year of...what?...depression, wishing, lack of direction, looking for a fresh start...something, at age 21. Forty years later, I can tell you exactly what caused it...self-doubt, from getting stuck in the dictates of others who should have known better.

I wish I had known then that there were zillions of other ways to be. It took me decades to figure it all out. I try to tell/show young people that the world is huge, vast, that they will find fulfillment if they just lift up their chins and explore. My best communication with young folks has something to do with a twinkle in my eye, and approval.

The very best signs you give that all will be well are A) you know you had it before, and, B) you are asking here.

In some ways we seem to be very complicated beings, that everything is inter-tangled and confusing, but, maybe not. Looking back, we may see that it was all very simple...that all we had to do was trust ourselves.

There is one book, online, for free, you may enjoy.

Do the little fun exercises, when you feel inclined. It will give you a very nice picture of yourself. Your direction lies within you. You are unique in all the world; and we need you. You'll see.

My best,



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