I have had my mirena IUD for two years now.. I did not notice any symtoms from this thing until the last six months... my problems include.. 1. Weight gain.. I have always been between 130 and 140 forever.. now i am over 160.. 2. Energy.. I have no energy what so ever.. I used to work out all the time.. i once had a six pack and I was really big into working out.. now I do not have the energy to even do everday stuff.. 3. Sleep.. I have insomnia bad.. I will stay up for days and then i will crash and sleep not enough for one night of sleep..4.acne.. my skin has broke out so bad it isn't even funny.. thank god for pro-activ that stuff works great.. 5. joint pain.. my bones and everything always hurt.. it is very annoying at times. 6.Mood swings/depression.. I am very moody and irritable all the time.. the stupidest little things tend to send me on some kind of rampage.. If there is anyone that know another form of birth control that has less side effects like this thing, please let me know.. I do not want to ruin my family because of this thing..
Thank you all very much.. these posting have been very helpfull