Re: Obsessive Health Disorder
Apologies are not required, but appreciated, thank you for your kind words.
I understood your post to be "more of a lament than anything." I do know however, that some take even more kelp than I according to their posts and chose to respond and address the iodine\kelp issue.
I think with time, those that have pursued and have been successful at curing any ails and achieving incredible health have achieved a knowledge that eludes most everyone beginning their search for natural alternative cures, health, and wellness. Doors are still opening up for me...
I also think those who have gone before are nothing more than teachers, guides if you will, who must permit the student to stumble, fall and dust themselves off. In this way the student (me) learns the most important lessons.
Teachers must remember that they were beginners once too... I consider myself nothing more than an "advanced" beginner after 2 years of practice and well over 2.5 years of study. This in addition to having lived this lifestyle and studied it in my late teens for several years; mostly Cayce.
"I cannot help but worry about other beings feeling obligated to take high doses of certain substances in hope of redressing some form of perceived deficiency. I think that over-simplification may well be at least partly to blame, whereby individuals feel that to improve a certain condition they must up their intake of one specific mineral."
In this I agree with you. A high dose of a specific (single) macro or micro mineral is NOT the answer in my opinion either, and in fact may do more harm than good. If indicated in very specific cases, perhaps.
This is born out time and time again in my study. Minerals DO NOT act alone and require sometimes many cofactors to include other minerals, vitamins, EFAs, enzymes and what have you in order to be of any benefit. High quality foods, in most cases have this complexity and serve as our best sources for any nutrient. Lesson learned... Been there, done that, no results or a compounding of problems.
Thank you; know that you, and your knowledge is respected by me.