18 y
Re: Obsessive Health Disorder
Well, you have always been something of a hero of mine, as well you know. ;)
You are quite right of course, in that "fad mentality" is rife. Yesterday
Essiac was for prozac; today iodine, my anodyne; tomorrow, calcium carbonate may very well placate...
This overwhelming crusade to seek out one's own "magic bullet" is lamentable. The struggle to attain that which one believes one does not already have is surely unending; and furthermore, it may well result in the individual forgetting entirely to appreciate what s/he already has!
Perhaps I am coming to the end of my own crusade for perfect health. Perhaps I am gazing upon all things with reverent eyes. I just wonder, though, that if an individual's life revolves around perceptions of health and sickness, then surely this is no life at all.
A Buddhist acquaintance of mine calmly stated recently that to exist with even a shred of doubt or fear is a horrendous existence indeed. Supplementing specific minerals seems to me very much like a fear of "not having enough."