Re: black & blue spot on vericose vein! scared.
the two things i would recommend are pychnogenol and cayenne. pychnogenol is a pine bark extract and is known to allieviate varicose veins. cayenne is a blood purifier and inflammation healer. both together will really help you. start out slow with the cayenne and work your way to as much as you can handle. the pychnogenol you can do twice ro three times the recs on the package. "pine bark extract" will be fine too, its the same thing as pycnogenol.
you can also do white tigers famous pine needle tea. find a long needled evergreen tree in your area, gather a hand full of the needles, steep them in hot water for a good while. then drink this hot with honey. also make a bath with this tea and submerge your foot in it.
they also have pychnogenol cream, but i don't know how strong it is, its marketed for the beauty market. i know someone whe cured her varicose veins with pychnogenol cream, but i don't know which brand she used.
a juice fast or master cleanse would also help a lot.