Re: Egg yolk flush! Results are... well, none really.
I'm glad to see you look to the WAPF for info as I believe very strongly in their dietary principles and have experienced tremendous improvements in health since I discovered that wonderful (non-profit!) organization.
A couple of caveats about raw eggs/sushi from Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions (president of the foundation)
1. While raw egg yolks are immensely nutritious and full of enzymes, raw egg whites shouldn't be eaten due to the presence of trypsin inhibitors which interfere with protein digestion (negating the purpose of eating eggs in the first place!). Raw egg whites also contain avidin which interferes in biotin absorption. So eat cooked eggs or chuck the whites and throw raw yolks in your kefir smoothies like I do. It really is the yolks that contain most of the nutrients anyway.
2. Cooked meat is very hard to digest but the issue of
parasites in sushi is very real. Raw fish eaten as ceviche (marinated in acid- lime or lemon juice)will be "cooked" without being cooked, and the
parasites are killed. Freezing meat (or fish, but I find its texture suffers from freezing) for 14 days will kill
parasites as well so you can enjoy your organic grass-fed steak tartare with no worries!