Re: 4 month old and eating
As rebuttal to Mrs. Heartspirits comment;
"From a personal standpoint, we are approaching point that folks are gonna start asking about feeding solids. In fact, my husband already has."
As a proud new father and a wife that is adamant about breast feeding, I feel I must make this post on behalf of all new fathers across this great land. See, as a man, it is in my genetic make up to make my newborn son aware of the food and essential nutrients he will need to survive out in the wilderness. By offering my son the occasional insy, teensy bit of sugary goodness. An infinitesimal taste of sour juices and yes, may the breast feeding gods have mercy on my soul, the occasional petite lick of some ice cream sent from the heavens above, I am actually preparing my son to hunt and gather for his clan.
How else will he know these skills if he is only given mothersmilk those first cruel months of life? By letting my son taste the different offering this great planet has to offer, of course in teensy amounts, I am sending a survival skill to the vicarial part of his brain that handles things like oh, survival.
If I did not prepare my son for the future and let his mommy breast feed him exclusively, he would be lost in the wilderness and would likely starve for he would not be able to hunt or ever locate any huge breast wondering the wilderness.
In addition, his mouth would become over large for his body would think that all food comes from a nipple and thus, his body would adapt and change the size of his mouth. Eventually his whole body would morph into a huge mouth with eyes. No limbs, no torso, nothing. Just a huge mouth roaming the countryside looking for wild breast to suck on.
So dad's, hey, its OK to put a teeny bit of
Sugar on your little finger and give your son a taste. It's OK to give a diminutive taste of sour juice (just to see their little face squinch up). It's a matter of survival and women will never understand that....It's about being a's about the survival of our species.
High five little baby dudes! I gotcha back!
The Survival Guy....