L-Glutamine was for leaky gut - mine was is in powder form (1 tsp in water). I take it in the morning on an empty stomach.
Then Cod Liver Oil (I'm in Norway - that's a must :) ).
1 Multi-Vitamin and Probiotic with my Breakfast
I also drink Herbal Teas between my meals. Normally either Fennel Seed, Peppermint Leaf (both for Digestion), Fenugreek Seed (Intestinal Healing), Linseed/Flaxseed (Laxative) or Pau d'Arco/Taheebo (Candida fighter). Also am drinking plenty of water - but not with my meals. Overall I drink about 2L of Herbal Teas of Water.
I was also using a digestive enzyme (pancreatin) with my lunch and diner. Which I'm slowly coming off of now.