Re: "Candida"
My own personal opinion is that mind, body and spirit cannot be separated, and each needs the other two to be balanced, in order for itself to be balanced.
Therefore, if one has emotional issues, such as an abused childhood, for example, the emotional fallout from that will cause mental, and eventually physical issues, such as candida.
If one, on the other hand, meets with an accident, and the physical body is damaged, that might in turn cause emtional and mental issues, with anger and denial and the inability to accept the restrictions placed on the lifestyle and the body. This anger, or despair, would then lead to physical illness also.
The flip side of that is, you can heal mind body and spirit from either vantage point. For example, meditate and heal the mind, the body and emotions will heal alongside it. FOcus on the physical, such as candida treatment, and getting physically healthy, the emotional health and mental health will respond as the body heals. And of course, focussing on spirit healing (some here may understand this), would also affect follow on healing of the physical and mental planes.
Hope this makes sense. Andreas seemed to be expressing from a purely spiritual viewpoint, but I believe that is only one of three fronts from which to tackle illness.
Of course, the more enlightened among us will work on healing from all three sides, and health will return even quicker.
But however you do it, healing the body, mind,or the spirit will eventually heal all three.