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Second MC...thoughts from veterans?

Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

jordysyd Views: 1,301
Published: 18 y

Second MC...thoughts from veterans?

So I'm on day 3 of my second MC, and I've noticed a huge difference in the way my body reacts to the senna tea this time around. The first time I had awful, painful cramps and an aching butt from the stuff until I did the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) and everything was soothed...
Now I have virtually no cramping and no sitting on the loo with peristaltic waves producing nothing (although it does seem to work quicker! I'm waking up at 2:00 am!)
So does this mean I'm getting cleaner inside? Since my first Master-Cleanse I've done 2 liver flushes, a parasite cleanse and a bowel cleanse. I haven't had a whole lot of solid feces in my eliminations but quite a few long stringy...parasites...and some mucus and unidentifiable objects.
I guess I'm finding it strange that everything is so much easier the second time around and wondering about others' experiences. I have survived a killer headache yesterday but nothing like my first detox headache which made me want to die! Will it take me longer to enter major detox mode this time? As much as I would like to do a long cleanse, I'll only be able to go about 12 days this time because my spring semester will be starting soon.
I hope you are all enjoying yourselves and good luck to you all!
Take care!


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