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My first flush, part 2
nickatnight Views: 1,372
Published: 17 y
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My first flush, part 2

That is absolute incredible and kinda scary about the hair dye... As yesterday continued on, I continued to produce lots of stuff from my rear porthole! I started to eliminate lots of those pea-sized green particles. I just came off a 35 day master cleanse and during the whole time on that cleanse, I averaged 10 to 15 eliminations a day. I am not a big person. I am 5'8" and 175 and I'm pretty healthy...

Well, let me tell you about yesterday. I went to the bathroom THIRTY times. I am not exaggerating at all. You would not believe the amount of stuff I put out. Before I did the Liver Flush I was a little suspicious that all the "stones" might be just congealed olive oil but I must have put out about 10 cups of stuff... And I know I only took in a 1/2 cup of olive oil.

Late in the afternoon, I had an incredible outbreak of flatulence. It was epic. While I was sitting on the throne, I had one outburst that was so powerful, I could feel the wind come up between my legs! Another was a full 10 seconds long! Being a guy, I was pretty impressed with my ability to hold a note for that long... :)

Anyway, it was a fun day. I seriously need to give my rump a rest. My diet is really good right now. I just bought a crock pot and a great book called "Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker" and I'm making my first meal, "Slow Spanish Beans and Rice." I am a little concerned about that meal but luckily I live alone right now... :)

take care

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