Re: What is going on with this world?
The world is no "crazier" now than it was 40 or 50 years
What has changed is the flow of information. 40 years ago there were no
personal computers, no Internet, only 3 or 4 local TV channels and many people
were still in the world of black and white, no shopping channels, no TV
evangelists, no live reports from the war zone, none of what we have
today. We are in an exploding information age. We are now massively
flooded with information from many sources both positive and negative.
Coupled with that, people are more open and honest about what is affecting them
in their personal lives. 40 years ago nobody would tell anyone they were
visiting a psychiatristm, and clinical psychologists were rare. Now people
visit them frequently, not because there are more ills, but because the stigma
has been erased and we are now in a "feel good" generation. When
we have a problem of any kind, we want it fixed. 40 years ago nobody would
even admit to a problem.
As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I know that talking about those
events were totally buried not only when I was young, but even as an adult to
talk about it would mean being ostracized by family and even friends. That
part is better today (but not cured), but the sexual and physical abuse is still
there and society has given people much more permission to talk about it and
deal with it.
For your depression I would suggest meditation and/or periods of
relaxation. Learn to give to yourself instead of feeling you have to
constantly give to others. Meditation (a minimum of an hour a day) has
done wonders for eliminating the depression that I had for decades, and I've
done it without a single pill. As a parent I'm sure you find your schedule
filled with 'things to do' but you have to make time for yourself. You
have to schedule time for yourself and things that you like to do. If you
don't, your difficulties will continue without end. You also have to learn
to let go of perceived difficulties in the world that are outside of your realm
of control. The only thing in this world you can control is you, and
sometimes that's a difficult lesson in life.
I'm 75 and the world today is much safer and less troubled than it was when I
was growing up. People are living longer and more healthy lives every
year. In fact, that's one reason that they talk about raising the
retirement age for social security from 65 to 70. There's more of us
around today than there were 75 years ago, or even 40 years ago.
Best to you in whatever you do.