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Vaporising h202?
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Published: 18 y

Vaporising h202?

I've been reading about all the methods of using h202. Baths, nasal spray, intravenous, drinking. I've read about putting it in a vaporiser, only I haven't got a vaporiser. Could putting some 3% into a bowl of boiling water and then breathing in the steam do the same thing as a vaporiser? I understand that we mustn't get the h202 into our eyes, so I suppose we'd have to wear goggles or some other eye protection. I ask because my main concern, healthwise, are my lungs. I've had a persistent cough for a few years now and at times find it hard to breath. I'm hoping to clear this infection and want to get to the 'heart' of it. I'll still use it in the bath and drink it, but from what I've read, the h202 will get used up in other areas before it reaches my lungs - unless, of course, I get it direct into my lungs.

Any advise and suggestions would be really appreciated, as I've only just started using this stuff in the last few days and I've read so much about it. I'm feeling quite excited.


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