have you tried drinking h2o2? there is a protocol called alkalizing the lungs. it involves intravenous injection of a very dilute h2o2, food grade or better, and it gets behind the extra mucus of the lungs and busts it out, killing every "germ" in its path. well, this effect can be approximated by drinking h2o2, properly diluted on an empty stomach, and finally you build up to the point that enough gets into the bloodstream fast enough to do the same thing, maybe just not as effective. but doings this long enough in strong enough doses(i got up to 12 or 13 drops in an 8
oz glass of water) will produce dramitic improvement in overall lung capacity and ease of breathing.
what it felt like to me is that, more than the alkalizing(from the term 'alkaseltzer')effect that i achieved, it felt like the muscles in my diaphram got oxygenated and i had better control and could breath much more deep than before. thats just my perception of the affair. i have had no further trouble with my lungs whatsoever. soon after that i also stopped getting tired going up the stairs. it was a complete success for me.