Ya I gave it a go. The lime juice makes it so tart that you won't even taste or notice the egg yolk much. I used EVOO and the mix was almost enjoyable.
I was gonna do 4 in a row in 4 days but only wound up doing 3. Here's the story. You might remember that I decided to turn the last week of my 36 day MC into a colon cleanse by doing Oxy the last week. At first everything seemed to go well the oxy was making me have 5 or 6 brown water eliminations a day and towards the end that had made my poop chute pretty sore but not being one to whine I didn't think anything of it. Broke the MC just fine. No big deal my butt was still sore though. Well waited 5 or 6 days after the break and decided to go for it on the new fangled LF. As you know I'm not an enema kinda guy so I opted for the SWF.
1st day lots of dark really stanky butt pee like stuff came out but I guess the stuff was pretty caustic and my butt got worse. I'm still thinking big deal what's a little sore butt. Second day it wasn't as dark and stanky but more like brown butt pee. On the 3rd day I decided intead of the SWF I would try the ole standard from the Clark flush of the Epsom salts with grapefruit. Dunno if it was the ES or if my poor butt had had enough abuse but man things really got sore and the inflamation got to the point that I could almost not sit at all except in the gentelest way on a soft pillow. Needless to say I wasn't about to do a fourth LF.
I tried the clay paste like you sugested for a coupla days and while there was some relief
upon application it was only temporary from the coolness of the paste. I did a little research and the 2 sugested methods were warm Sitz baths with epsom or cotton balls soaked in Witch Hazel. I could barely sit in my car and walking was an ordeal when I went to try to find somekinda container for the Sitz. In a short search the containers I found were too small so I turned to the second alternative which was cotton balls soaked in Witch Hazel. Got that went home and it was relieforama. The same day while searching on the net some more I read about keeping the WH in the fridge and glory be halelujah that was wonderful.
While I got lots of relief and the WH keep the sweeling at bay I stll have been going through quite a bit of misery in this last week. To be honest I don't know if the last bad flare up after the 3rd LF with the ES was just a super acidic thing the put my butt over the edge or it was a combo of too many toxins relased at once from the LF plus the acidity.
I had been struggling just getting around and sitting for the last week but somehow yesterday must been some final cathartic passing or release of toxins cause I woke up soaking wet in prespiration but I felt 100% better and while the sweeling is not all gone it is very managable and I can sit muuuuuch easier. At it's peak it would hurt just if I coughed.
So that's my 50 cent war story for the week ;+D So let all this be a lesson to you kiddies out there. Patience is a virtue and don't try to do so many things so close together or your body might rebel and literaly bite you in the A__.............................;+D
With all this drama going on I simply can't tell what did what. The new LF was not hard to take and it did seem to expel some nasty stanky black butt pee the first go. Under normal circunstnaces I'll prolly try it again. I'm still gonna try and do a good ole Clark LF in 3 or 4 weeks cause at least with that one can see and identify some sort of results. So stay tuned kiddies for the next episode of Floating Emeralds or Pepe blows his butt out..............................;+D