Re: Is this part of candida die off?
Queta, thanks so much for your hints about magnesium! I didn't realize that the vitamin supplement I take (Centrum Silver) comes up light on magnesium, so I've begun taking a calcium pill + magnesium. I do think it is helping a lot.
About the giggling--candidita does a really mean number on our emotions. For 12 years I took Effexor for
Depression and suffered such fatigue. I slept 12 to 15 hours a night and on weekends took 4 hour naps. Even so, I was still so tired. Blood tests showed nothing. My doctor said my fatigue was caused by the stress of my job. I never realized that it was all caused by candida.
But all of that has changed with candida treatments. (I first took Difulcan for a week and have now been taking Nystatin for the past month.) I am totally off of the Effexor (with no withdrawal symptoms, which I find amazing!). And I only need 8 hours of sleep a night. I never realized until my yeast went totally wild and traveled to my skin that my depression, anxiety and fatigue were all caused by candida. My skin candida is still a mess, but I'm so grateful at least some of the emotional side effects of yeast overgrowth have been resolved.
So, hang in there! It will all be worth it!