I think this needs to be said so that we can get on with talking about the important things like Detoxing and the Master Cleanse.
I have noticed that every so often, someone gets offended here.
One thing I really enjoy about this forum is that people can log on and post questions - some intelligent and some not so intelligent. Who cares? It's really nice that others respond to the questions. You'll almost always find several answers are given for each question. Sometimes someone states thier opinion about the validitity or the necessity of a question or comment that has been asked and answered repeatedly. So what? If you can see past individual personalities and communication styles, you WILL get your answers!
What are we here for? Are we here for answers to our questions? If so, you are getting what you came for. Are we here for emotional support? If so, you are also getting what you came for. Some people are more supportive than others. This is so much like the real world.
In the real world, now-a-days, our government - at least in the U.S. - is trying to force people to be nice to everyone they encounter. We are now required to watch every thing we say or do, in order to make sure that we don't offend someone else. It used to be that we had something called freedom of religion. Now-a-days, if I choose to decorate my house or yard with Christmas decorations (for example, it could be any decorations), I run the risk of getting harrassed or even sued by my neighbors. Saying "Merry Christmas" to someone may be considered offensive by some. A lot of stores now choose to call them holiday trees. At Easter, we will have holiday egg hunts. Happy Holidays everyone. I wouldn't want to offend...
These are just a few examples of what's going on lately. It used to be in the "Good 'ol Days" that even though the jewish children didn't celebrate Christmas, the still appreciated getting the days off from school and didn't complain about it being not their religion. In fact, I don't decorate my house and yard with Christmas decorations. I do appreciate my neighbors doing it though. It's pretty to look at and I appreciate their creativity and spirit. It used to be that people let others celebrate whatever religion they wanted. It used to be that people didn't get so offended when others believed differently than they. This country USED to have freedom of religion.
Because everyone is so OVERLY concerned about offending or hurting someone elses feelings - or protecting other seemingly helpless ones - OUR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT is now being seriously threatened. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS totally limits communication and stunts creativity. It limits free thinking and is the most inconsiderate process. Kids used to be told "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" Now we have to be protected by the government from people saying things that might hurt or offend us.
It's okay to get hurt every now and then. We all heal and should also forgive and forget.
Please DON'T be politically correct on this forum. Please don't ever inforce such a rediculous idea. Instead, lets just be ourselves. We are adults! We can handle it! If you don't think someone is being nice, that's unfortunate. Maybe you'll read a little further and in time you will get to know that person a little better. Maybe you'll grow to like them. Maybe you still won't. That's perfectly okay. Isn't it better to like someone because you have grown to actually know them instead of people having to walk on egg-shells all the time with careful words - and you never really get to know them. Grow a little bit thicker skin.
No one here means any harm. Everyone is here to get and to share information. How we do this is by communicating. Some communicate in a gentler way than others. None of it is bad.
I'm so glad I get to be a part of this very helpful forum for the Master Cleanse on Curezone.
Let's all grow healthier, toughen up a bit and keep cleansing. We're all - hopefully - getting better from it.
Truely - Peace,