Hello cleansers! Very excited and seeking for some overall support
Hello! After checking a lot of other boards I decided that Cure Zone was the best option and I'm really looking forward to share with you guys my
Master-Cleanse experience. Nobody knows I'm going on the cleanse and that's why I thought that some online support would come in handy.
After doing a 2 week research on the topic I'm going for a 20 day MC, although I pretend to take each day as it comes because it's my first. I'm planning to start on the 3rd of January and I'm very excited and have great expectations about it. I truly hope I'm not let down with the final results. I want to detoxify my system after eating a lot of rich Christmas food during the past month, and if added to that I loose the few
pounds I gained during the festive season it would be even better! I also want to see if a few rashes I've developed get better, and in general I'm really looking forward to see if I notice some overall benefits regarding my nails, hair, skin, eyes, etc.
I'm going to do the cleanse on limes and molasses because where I live (Venezuela, South America) it's impossible to get lemons and real Maple Syrup. Regarding the lax tea all I could get was pure senna leaves...I guess I'll boil a cup of water with a tablespoon of the leaves and drink that. For the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) I just bought 100%
Sea Salt (nothing special just salt!) cause I wasn't able to find any of the fancy types I've read about. I just hope it does what it has to do! I also have some “Organic Mint Melange Tea” (Peppermint, Lemon Grass and Spearmint). I hope that it’s just as good as the normal peppermint tea that Burroughs recommends.
Although I'm very lazy to do exercise I've decided to walk a couple of hours a day during the cleanse. I'm also planning on taking it easy and really seeking for an internal body and mind balance. During the fast I’ve decided to withdraw the most I can from public contact. I'll probably spend my time reading, watching some good movies, surfing the net, taking some sun baths and cleaning out all the old stuff from my room. I've even thought of starting a blog so I can keep track of my progress and at the same time share the experience with all the other cleansers.
My final objective is to feel and look healthier. My college graduation is coming up and the end of January and I would like to feel strong, beautiful, energized and healthy on that special day.
Well that's all for now! Sorry for the long post I got carried away!
Happy cleansing,