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Re: Oil not becoming thick???
fledgling Views: 2,744
Published: 18 y
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Re: Oil not becoming thick???

I wondered about that...thought I was not being 'successful'.

Not 'vegan', mostly 'vegetarian', all my life. Red meat is wasted on me.

Somehow I got the impressions that...

...'Gasses', from toxins and the normal digestion of foods/burning oxygen, etc., rise in the throat while sleeping, and,

...The body is delighted to use the mouth as an organ of disposal more thoroughly than ever before. It's as though the 'inner caretaker' comes to EXPECT oil-pulling. Amazing!

An addmission: Being a smoker (I think there are 'reasons'), there is thicker mucus that descends from the post-nasal area during oil-pulling first thing in the a.m.

The urge is to spit I do, and take another mouthful of oil, and continue.

Also, there is some leakage at the corners of the mouth during the swish.

I see that 'drooling in the nighttime' is a symptom of parasites (see the Humaworm website). I have this sometimes, not much and not often, and it hasn't been entirely eliminated by the parasite cleanse.

Could this be connected to leakage during oil-pulling?

Too, since the leakage makes oil-pulling bothersome, I have a tendency to cut it short.

After oil-pulling, the teeth are coated with a gummy material. I have experimented with a little Pascalite for cleansing the mouth....but that makes the gumminess worse...though it likely helps in other ways.

I think I need to experiment with H2O2.

I believe that the sharpened synthetic fibes of toothbrushes, and the cutting action of floss (severing the fine connections of gums to teeth) do more damage than even bad bacteria, though I have used the softest brushes for years.

Toothbrushing action can't help but sharpen the ends of the bristles. Even just the up and down movement of brushing can't help but push the gums.

A schoolteacher suggested a bit of toweling as a tooth cleaning instrument. I've heard that a twig of a certain bush is chewed on the end to form a kind of brush for cleaning the India, I think it was.

Probably we need to rethink the ways in which we use and clean our teeth.

I mean, it isn't 'natural' that we pull all our teeth out and buy new ones.




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