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Re: Can I DIE from this? Please, I need some help.
MH 108 Views: 1,606
Published: 19 y
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Re: Can I DIE from this? Please, I need some help.

I have no problem with water fasting after a person has at least 100 days or fruit juice fasting behind them or a few year period. To go 10 days on water only would still be pretty strong and crazy for a first timer. Her results are explained in fasting books and to be expected and some have died from such things, but I have never known of anyone who has in current times.

I have seen at least one person go into pneumonia and die after a few days of the master cleanse, they did not prepare, loved how simple it was to use maple syrup and lemons and then a lifetime of lung disease expelled and the man had a terriable death and eventually joked to death. The master cleanse was not the problem, the problem was a lifetime of smoking and wrong diet. 3 days on the lemons was enough to start a cleanse that could not be stopped. The same probably would have happened with just using orange juice, this is why I stress the pre-cleanse first, if they can work their way up to a liver flush, then it is almost guranteed than a 14 day orange juice fast would do zero harm.

The Amish Healer has done extreme hard fasting under the advice of The Cleveland Clinic and had a frail near dead woman fast for 2 weeks and went as many as 3 days at a time with no water/no food, The Cleveland Clinic advised it as the only possible way to save the womans life, because her thyroid was at the point of causing her a deadly heart attack, she weighed only 90# when the fast began. ONLY under intence personal care by long seasoned professional fasting experts with medical skills, can such a fast be achieved..

When I orange juice fast, I may consume the juice of 30 oranges per day, at this rate I have no doubt a person cuuld easily live with that amount of juice. It is easy to go 1 day with no water, but if I seen myself not wanting water for 2-3 days I would be asking outside help, fasting may be easy, but it is serious business..

I suggest people look up the many free fasting books on the internet and read them all, before they attempt fasting past 14 days.



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